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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2013 6:00am-6:30am EST

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north korea confirms it has successfully conducted a nuclear test defying. the world will hold an emergency meeting of the security council is later today. iran has. to be destroyed this following today's test by pyongyang this is the country. of course a shortage of basic medicine and that many lives. and as yet another attack on the presidential palace in cairo with tear gas and water cannons we were given the chance to meet members of a. group taking the lead in the regime street protests.
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a pleasure to have you with us here in our. live in moscow with your news from around the world let's get straight to our breaking news story for you right now in north korea. the underground test has now joined the chorus of international condemnation against north korea for this controlled explosion of a nuclear device and this off to pyongyang confirmed its third underground nuclear test aimed against what it called quote outrageous u.s. hostility details. the reclusive state has announced that it successfully detonated a menu tries nuclear devices in underground test site to find orders from the un
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security council condemnation is expected across the board especially from the west an emergency meeting at the u.n. security council has been called upon ki-moon and south korea have already been vocal about their very serious concerns now the main issue is that this puts north korea one step closer to its goal of building a nuclear warhead small enough to mount on a long range missile capable of reaching the united states still early in washington but this is seen as a direct threat from a direct message i should say from new leader kim jong un to president obama just hours before he gives his annual state of the union surely president obama will react somehow most likely by threatening more sanctions and further isolation reaction from in five russia the foreign ministry says russia of the price of the can any kind of nuclear activity russia is going to push through getting through this in fact they say it's the only way possible through diplomacy that is to say not threats and through dialogue at the same time they are strongly encouraging in
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fact demanding that north korea one abandon any nuclear weapons programs and to do not defy the u.n. security council and follow their resolutions. or let's get some more reaction now from independent news or so james corbett joining us live here on the program a pleasure to see you want thanks for coming on so quickly we've certainly seen over the years a lot of a carrot sticking certainly from washington the capitol hill towards pyongyang going back to the days of clinton george w. bush now into the obama administration and yet all these are all these attempts to try and entice north korea or dissuade him from using or even experimenting with nuclear weapons have never worked before can anything change now do you think. well i don't see how adding any more curates didn't mixture is going to do anything especially as you see. it seems that north korea has really frittered away all of the carrots that have been used against it and it just shows that really trying to barter with them in that way seems to be completely useless and of course the last
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time was the four hundred million dollars aid package that they got after their first nuclear test in two thousand and six they got that aid package in two thousand and seven and then conducted their next nuclear test in two thousand and nine here we are three years later with another nuclear test so it doesn't seem that there is any incentives that are on that could be placed on the table at this point and there isn't a lot of leverage on the stick side really when you think about it because a lot of sanctions that could be applied are already being applied so it's really i think going to fall into a lot of diplomatic pressure on china to use its leverage with north korea and that's what james you bring up the issue of china i'm glad you did china was quick to condemn north korea's nuclear test of a third of what happening now in the past few years however this is as we all can imagine this happened all right in beijing's backyard did you really think the officials in china didn't know in advance so this maybe was poised to happen and you think china can even influence the way that north korean nuclear program is being operated on. well i think everyone knew that this was going to happen it was
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only a question of when and i imagine the officials in beijing must have known that this this was coming probably in the next few days and it certainly is it couldn't have happened at a worse time internationally speaking it's the lunar new year in china so basically the entire country is on holiday and in the u.s. there is no confirmed secretary of defense or central intelligence director so it's a very interesting time throw that through into that the wild card of xi jinping we don't know much about him or how he's going to lead china and the fact that kim jong un is a relatively new leader as well you also have the new army government in japan and there's a lot of wildcards in this mix to see how this is going to shake out but i think on the question of china specifically i think it does have the most leverage over north korea at this point and certainly a lot of aid and support comes from china so i think they have a lot of. pressure that they can put on north korea at this point and i think that's what's going to be stressed in the u.n. security council meeting today that meeting happening in several hours time but
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supposedly new york time back in the u.s. but certainly when it comes to the issues of pyongyang during this third underground nuclear test in recent years james i don't know about you way you are but we are also getting reports unconfirmed at this point though that pyongyang could be poised to do yet another underground nuclear test are you hearing anything about that when you are well i heard before this test took place that there was planned potentially for two tests and it may be the case that they are testing the plutonium device like the other two devices the new two thousand and six in two thousand and nine as well as an enriching uranium device that could be potentially very important because if they have the technology to enrich uranium at this point that could greatly expand their weapons stockpile in the rebuild the to expand that stockpile so i think there's going to be a lot of questions that we're going to have to determine precisely what kind of material they're using in these devices and whether they're there could potentially be another one in the coming days now certainly north korea does get some bad press
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in the western media but not nearly as bad as for example iran now iran allegedly doesn't even have nuclear weapons has pyongyang north korea exploding their own nuclear weapons on the ground why is so much of the global perception so different from north korea to iran. i think it's just a question of geopolitics i think there are things that that a lot of the western countries want in iran and in that region and it's a very important player in that region where when it comes to north korea others in the geopolitical prizes to be won here the only thing that's on the table is a version of some sort of warfare and i well it is hard to say at this point but not a lot of people really believe that that the north korean regime would be suicidal enough to start a war although at this point it seems that they are certainly putting it right to that brink so so it is it's a question of what's to be gained from this region or from gauging with it and there hasn't been a lot to gain from it and that's why it has been sort of swept under the rug
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repeatedly and of course the biggest hypocrisy coming right during the lead up to the war in iraq when north korea started its nuclear fear mongering and was almost completely ignored by the bush administration all right how live from japan a news editor james cope atika joining us here on our say thank you you. thank. well i would also like to find out your thoughts on this developing story here on around the world if you. were asking whether you agree with north korea pursuing national security through the tests of nuclear weapons or bringing out the numbers for you right here on the screen here's what you think the majority believing north korea only has to look at iraq to know it's on the right thing. sixteen percent of the country. for war. the minority debate of the. reasonable alternative to protect.
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here in the russian capital tehran has called for the destruction of all nuclear. test by north korea however it says that nation should still have the right to conduct nuclear activities for peaceful purposes that's. part of its higher grade enriched uranium into nuclear fuel for. other statements come as the u.n. nuclear watchdog prepares to hold another round of talks with iran on its atomic
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program i mean while severe international sanctions are putting a squeeze on everyday life and making it harder for iranians to obtain basic medicine. reports from iran and drug cases is. leading to me thought outcomes. and behind the smile lies pain and despair a bass on the run in with blood a cancer has just received his medicine but there is no guarantee he'll get it tomorrow all the best jokes about patients being patient but sadly has no choice but. it's so hard to get treatment these days it's not that i don't get any at all but you have to wait a long time and if you get it that only means someone else has missed. the reason for the drug shortage sanctions imposed by western countries in the republic they're not directly targeting the from a suited medical sectors but they had bangs his trade restrictions the task.
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unfortunately many foreign companies stopped selling us drugs they're not allowed to have created relations with iran and people predict price with their lives. iran's officials warn it may have an impact far beyond its borders. if we have a disease or pedantic and are unable to vaccinate the population it could spread easily to neighboring countries and there's actually many outside iran. iran produces ninety six percent of its own medicine but the roma to those for half of them come from abroad more than fifty vital medicines have disappeared from the running pharmacist and international sanctions came in because the for an ingredient c.m.a. from can no longer make their way into iran people with cancer and jim ophelia wait often ended with bad news that their drug is not available their chances of
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survival are getting ever slimmer as sanctions hit patients instead of politicians officials estimate a total of six million iranian patients could be in danger because of the drug deficit in the van by local and international media reported on the first death of . apparently caused by the shortage a fifteen year old boy who suffers from hemophilia couldn't get the medicine he desperately needed despite a friend to by his family and he died in hospital on a holiday. the west used try to do now they tried sanctions on the military sector they realized we actually started making progress there but they wanted to weaken destabilize the country and the government is their aim this is why they now target people so that people get angry and take that the streets protesting that. and people indeed take to the streets this is a meeting of organ donors and some whose lives have been saved by transferring
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a process now complicated by the like of medicine for that. i thank god and the donor who returned me to why i had heart problems and now his heart beats and my chest and i'm again why but the problem is that many too many are still awaiting surgery became extremely expensive and the number of donors decreased so much in the will they have enough time the. iranian doctors find themselves facing a very hard to to ration having to decide who will get the medicine and who will not invest the ration they wrote an s.o.s. letter to the un chief they're still waiting for announcer briefing otieno r.t. from iran. i know still ahead of you on the program here on our two that have dangerous demographics experts on politicians in the u.k. the rapid population change could lead to civil war we've got those details in just a couple of minutes here on. also we take you exclusively behind the scenes of what
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people of egypt it's coming to bring held to the country's islamist leadership that and more just ahead for. plays. well with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered. and then.
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it's. a pleasure to have you with us here. with the worldwide news. and water cannons have been fired by police in cairo against a crowd of youths attacking the presidential palace and the violence followed a demonstration accusing egypt's leader over oppression and the power grab on the second anniversary of the toppling of hosni mubarak was a rather strong rule over the country did last three decades as fighting becomes an
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almost daily scene on the streets of cairo and a movement of young men calling themselves the black bloc is now attracting more and more supporters across the country it's threatening the islamist authorities with warning telling them to quote. i would. have a possible all out street war between pro and anti-government militias we were granted an exclusive chance to meet the group's very secretive members. of the black bloc is an idea that came about as a reactor. into the negligence of our peaceful demands and also as a reaction against the oppression of the interior ministry which receives orders from the regime we stand against the oppressive and tyrant regime we call upon the interior ministry to deliver justice for those who have been killed and we will continue our demands until they are met our actions are in self-defense we are protecting ourselves but have never attacked anyone and we will always be present
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in egypt even after or demands are met however we will take on a different form the aim behind our presence is to prevent injustice in any form no one listens to our demands and the proof is the number of people who are being killed. and earlier in the program my colleague spoke to author and journalist ramzy borrowed he believes there are plenty of reasons for such youth groups to sprout up when the country is so immensely polarized for the last two years egypt has not been allowed to have a strong central government that is kiva been pushing the political process forward and thus the economy of the country the social cohesion and everything else as a result you have this huge vacuum and this polarization and that is allowing egyptian society to be open for exploitation what has been happening is not exactly a popular a unified popular uproar against the bitter but rather
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political polarization that has swept through the country for the last two years reaching the point of both sides justifying violence against one another and as it is you have these this increasing number of casualties some of it indeed due to police brutality and group calling itself the blog has a much as a new force in this latest string of clashes do you believe in the peaceful nature of behind the intentions of these young men and blind. no not at all there is a possibility that in founded the are outside those who are trying to further fuel to the fire that is already. taking over egypt at least in the urban centers from cairo to boresight it's a phenomenon that i think resulted from the frustration disenfranchisement and just the general feeling of betrayal that the youth of egypt are feeling right now the
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issue is not the black bloc in particular but why would the even appeal to the youth of egypt in the first place a list there was that vacuum and there was that the need that was it created by the lack of sensuality and the lack of confidence in the political process in egypt with or coming from the government or from the so-called a position. or a just a moment on the day but for now a wave of shock has shaken the catholic world after pope benedict announced he's throwing in the towel at the end of the month of this the first papal application in centuries and the development followed a series of sex abuse scandals plaguing the catholic church all around the world a barbara doors child abuse campaign says the outgoing pope has really failed to solve this core problem deep within the walls of the catholic church. we believe that he uttered words he said there was filth in the priesthood he apologized to the victims but he took no actions he didn't discipline
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a single church official for hiding enabling children to predators or you know moving them from country to country from diocese to diocese so until he does that nothing has changed and we believe the words were just empty empty promises if the people be protected these predators are promoted by cardinal law was involved in the scandal was huge and yet cardinal law managed to land in in the vatican a on the most powerful committees that exist within the vatican so to the message we believe he sent was if you were unable shield and protected predators you will be rewarded and we don't feel that's the right message we feel that he should be taking action we have a bishop in the united states that was convicted of child endangerment and is still being allowed to run a diocese what kind of a message is that to send to the world i would expect more of the same since those that enable and shield and protect continue to be promoted to continue to be given
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the most powerful positions within the vatican the message is clear if you follow the company line if you keep the secrets if you put the reputation of the church above this if t. of the children then you will be promoted what a terrible message to send many people no longer trust church officials like they did in the past and that's a very sad statement that you can't trust your bishops. and into beyond that we go as promised starting with mali where french and malian troops say they have regained control of the northern city of gal that's after islamist militants launched a surprise attack on what is one of the country's most populous cities. say three civilians were killed during the fighting at least france claims its military campaign in the west african state is almost complete with insurgents pushed out of the cities towards the desert area along the border with algeria. at least fifteen hundred people took part in a so-called hunger march in the hungarian capital budapest protesters shouted
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slogans against the rising cost of living and poor employment prospects at the marchers joined by members of the me the opposition hunger and socialist party was demanding increases in wages and tax overheads. the syrian president bashar al assad has reshuffled his cabinet appointing new oil finance and agriculture ministers among others the loop is seen as an attempt to a straight in the path of the country's war ravaged economy and improve the worsening humanitarian situation of this comes as rebel forces pushed army units out of a key hydroelectric dam in what seen as a major setback for the government a severe battles have also been raging in the capital damascus and its suburbs for a fourth consecutive day. recent studies in britain suggest the country's most rapidly growing demographic is muslim and the trend stirring trouble with native brits who say their government is simply too scared to face the problems caused by
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the obvious immigration boom so we spend sent one of our correspondents to investigate that of artie's holy work. it's what britain is known for a vibrant multicultural society and it looks like u.k. babies are testimony to it in east london seventy seven percent of new mums were born in britain nicoletta is from romania two thousand and seven i have been here when my husband together so. i'm through and let it sit cine recently moved here from sri lanka and very rarely have it. delivered more dear. zahra has three children i was born in bangladesh could do to keisha good living standard of living so here prefer to live in you kid them overseas london has got so ethnically diverse that white britons and now a minority here as well as in three other british cities between the years of two
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thousand and one and two thousand and eleven nearly four million immigrants came to the u.k. as part of an immigration boom under the former labor government at the time westminster said that britain needed working migrants to propel the economy this is tower hamlets in east london a third of the residents here a bangladeshi in fact they outnumber the white brits in this area by two thousand people so if you want to just say that they're baffled at just how quickly the number of indigenous brits has diminished over the past decade some put it down to a case of white flight they say that caucasian brits are moving out of the country's most diverse areas there are people in this country who have racist motives who simply don't want people because of the color of their skin. in the city but there are a lot of genuinely decent people who do have concerns and even the labor party has
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discovered recently that the vast majority of people is right those who would. naturally. for the labor party have conserved and that's something that no government can ignore the leader of the opposition labor party recently admitted that his party got it wrong on immigration and to those who lost out we were too quick to say like it but the truth is the public were ahead of us in seeing some of the problems of migration because they were seeing them in their own communities. and they were ahead of us in seeing the costs of migration as a whole poll after poll shows that the people living here are worried about the speed and the size of the influx. for my opinion i don't think you. need more immigrants at the moment i do love the movie. critics say the government
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is too frightened to address what person will look like in fifty years time it's going to look like. it's going to be a complete population change the indigenous population is shrinking anyway the younger generation and the younger generation is becoming increasingly radicalized and i think it's going to be. civil unrest in the twenty twenty five twenty possibly civil war demographers say that if immigration continues on a similar scale the white british population throughout the country will become a minority after twenty sixty six but with less than half of londoners already describing themselves as white british some say that a quiet and irreversible revolution has already taken place in britain. artsy east london. martin and breaking
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a sweat. choose your language. call it a killer though if somebody else and i say sell some of the. treatments to the
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consensus to. keep the opinions that invigorating to. choose the stories that in high life choose access to your offspring. you live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how fabulous i'd like i don't see any i mean. i know that i'm still really messed up. in the old story so actually. it's. worse for the least a little white house or for the. radio guy and four minutes from the. club are about to have you never seen anything like this i'm telling.
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you folks i mean you can martin so last week i talked about the newly leaked memo on obama's criteria to target assassinate u.s. citizens abroad it's a terrifying document that's all too reminiscent of the bush era torture memos so it was that surprising to find an op ed written by the torture architect himself john yoo on this very topic in the wall street journal use main problem with the kill list memo that obama is actually granting too much due process i kid you not he writes quote by including terrorists among those afforded constitutional protections the president's policy risk stretching those protections a mile wide and deep weakening them for all americans ok ok so john you actually believe that extending the rights of due process to hugh.


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